Engagement Rate Calculator

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Engagement Rate Calculator

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Free Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator

This Free Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator provided by One Nought One calculates the active engagement rate of a business or creator profile on Instagram in real-time. It also displays the average category rate to understand better and help cross-reference actual data within your industry or sector for competitive analysis.

Unlike other similar tools available on store, using this extension is completely free, and there are no hidden charges, limits or even signup required.

How does it work?

The Active Engagement Rate is calculated from the mean average for all interactions and inversely proportional to the number of followers in your account from the last 12 posts or posts published within the previous 28 days, whichever has the minimum count for establishing recency.

An Average Category Rate is calculated by collating the data of Top 100 accounts in a particular category and by summing their active engagement rate sustained over 90 days. And this includes all the 1550+ Categories of Instagram