Tweet Filter - Simple filter for Twitter

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Tweet Filter - Simple filter for Twitter

259 users


Dan Teeter

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On your Twitter home page, collapse irrelevant tweets (that match your chosen keywords) into a single line of text.

Do people that you follow occasionally tweet and retweet concerning a subject you find tedious? This extension may help to solve the problem.

I wrote this extension because I wanted to filter out retweets regarding Rob Ford minutia and also some duplicate-tweets from one online magazine I follow.

This extension adds a small control panel into your Twitter home page from whence you may add any number of keywords. If one of your keywords is found in the content of a tweet, that tweet will be "collapsed" into a single line of text i.e. 'filtered "Ford" from @ddale8' (see screenshots). You may also filter a twitter username, which is useful if you wish to collapse all the tweets or retweets of a given user.

Note: TweetFilter only performs case-insensitive matching of whole words: i.e. if you add 'Ford' it will match the word 'ford', but not 'Oxford'.

TweetFilter will access your Twitter home page when you load it in order to provide its filtering functionality. The extension runs purely within your browser; it does not inject ads and it does not communicate with any external site.

This extension utilizes Chrome's storage api to store your keywords within your browser. If you login to your Chrome browser, your keywords can be stored in Google's cloud and will be accessible from Chrome browsers on other machines when you login.

New! TweetFilter now repairs links in those annoying Quote Tweets (i.e. so that you can right click and "Open Link in New Tab")