Bar Translate

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Bar Translate

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Extension Information

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Supported Languages



Jump to the address bar, type 't', press space or tab, and start typing things like 'fr Hello' or 'en Bonjour'

Bar Translate is a Chrome Extension which allows you to translate anything and in any language directly in the address bar (also called Omnibox).

1. Jump to address bar (omnibox)
2. Type 't', and press space or tab
3. (optional) Prefix your query with any ISO language code
You can also use the '>' operator to specify source and target

And get the translation as you type!

"hello" => "bonjour" (takes the browser language by default, French for this example)
"en bonjour" => "hello" (English)
"es hello"=> "holà" (Spanish)
"zh hello"=> "你好" (Chinese simplified)
"en>es four" => "cuatro" (from English into Spanish)
"fr>es four" => "horno" (from French into Spanish)

Quick tour (animated Gif!):

To retrieve a code language, just start typing its English name, for example if you type "chi", it will suggest "Chinese simplified (zh)", and "Chinese traditionnal (zh-TW)"

- instant translating
- everything happens in the address bar / omnibox (you can translate anything without leaving your current tab)
- support ~100 languages
- uses Google Translate API (Yandex and Bing coming soon!)
- the default translate language is your browser language
- language auto-completion (to find quickly its ISO code)
- specify source and target language with the '>' operator
- right click context menu, to translate text selection (translation appears in a native notification, so you don't have to leave your current tab!)

Bar Translate is Open Source, with a "Try > ♥ > Buy" pricing model (inspired from Kirby).
Try as much as you want, and if you like, buy a license.

By the author of Quick Javascript Switcher (+250 000 users):

1.7.0: improved behaviour on same translations, and add secondary target language option
1.6.0: Options added to configure the default behaviour for source and target languages