Save to WebSite

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Save to WebSite

70 users


Rob "Fuzzwah" Crouch

Extension Information

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Save images from web sites onto your own web server. Requires PHP.

Save to Website
###### by Rob "Fuzzwah" Crouch

### Overview

An extension for Google Chrome which adds a "save to website" option
to the menu when you right click on images on web pages.

### Requirements

Along with this extension you'll also need your own webserver and
enough nerd points to be able to save and configure a php script
that this extension interfaces with. Its super simple, but you'd
better know where your web accessible paths are.

### Installation

Firstly, create a world writable directory on your webserver
(ie: chmod 777 it). Create subfolders below this if you want to
enable saving into a few different groups.

You will need to save a copy of, and configure, the
Save-to-Website.php file to somewhere world readable on your
webserver. In the php file you'll find 3 variables which need to be

// the full URL to the storage folder.
$externalURL = "";

// the relative path to storage folder compared to the php file
$internalPath = "";

// set a password here and then configure this in the extension
$password = "";

You can either grab the files from here on github, or use this link
and install it from [the Chrome Store]( Using
the Chrome Store is recommended as the extension will then be auto
updated if/when I make changes.

### Credits and Props

This extension is a stripped down hack of antimatter15's

Props to the crazy88 for putting up with my testing.

Thanks to lexpex for pointing out that this old extension wasn't
working any more.

### Version Info

#### v 0.4.3 (7th Nov 2013)

* edited to fix uploading to subdirectories (Chrome changed the
way it handles localStorage.setItem of objects, I'm now using
JSON.stringify and JSON.parse when setting and getting.)

- - - -
#### v 0.4.1 (16th May 2013)

* URL now checked when updated in options, alerts if unreachable

- - - -
#### v 0.4.0 (16th May 2013)

* Fixed issue with WebKitBlobBuilder which was corrupting uploads
* Menu rebuild logic no longer done in options.js
* Settings saved via options.js and menus rebuilt in background.js
* Added button on options page to allow user to save and close
* Added check in php to catch if subdir is undefined

- - - -
#### v 0.3.0 (16th May 2013)

* php file can now be located in same directory as image storage
* Fixed another menu creation issue
* Fixed duplicate menus being made if options were resaved
* Fixed issue when no sub-directories were set

- - - -
#### v 0.2.0 (15th May 2013)

* Updated to manifest version 2
* Fixed WebKitBlob changes
* Reworked options saving / loading
* Reworked sudbir menu system
* Reworked password system (I don't see how it was ever working)
* Generally took this a bit more seriously because someone else is
actually trying to use it!

- - - -
#### v 0.1.0 (18th Mar 2011)

* Extension working in basic form