Ssebowa.Org | Search, chat and create with AI

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Ssebowa.Org | Search, chat and create with AI

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search with ssebowa to provide pads to girls, food to neady and plants to trees

Data protection at Ssebowa
For maximum transparency, we list the information we collect from you and how we use it. Protection is paramount and a top priority to us. That's why we protect your data from leakage, protect forests from destruction, protect children from malnutrition and protect girls from unsafe menstruation periods. We love protection and everything we do is protection-based.
This privacy policy by the Ssebowa search engine explains our stance on personal information concerning cookies, tracking, logging, data usage, contact information and any links to third parties. Please read it thoroughly.

We are a non-profit organization that cares about tree planting, feeding hungry children and giving sanitary pads to girls without pads. We have committed ourselves to free access to information since we know that free research is not compatible with mass surveillance. We also take privacy very seriously and only process the data that is necessary for the operation of our services. Data protection is always the standard we aim for and we do not create any kind of profiles.

Collecting data by context
When using our web search engine Ssebowa, some needed data is collected but with a self-hosted, secure and encrypted in-built analytics system. The following is the data generated:

What does Ssebowa do with it?
At Ssebowa, we want to make sure our users have the best and safe search experience possible. We collect data and do statistical analysis to understand user behavior and trends, know how people use our services, monitor and troubleshoot as well as improve Ssebowa. For instance, we might use it to decide which new feature to build next.
For this, we use a self-hosted, secure and encrypted in-built analytics system. This allows us to obtain data about our users' interaction with Ssebowa services and products in a secure and anonymized way.
We also save the searches we receive to filter spam. Unfortunately, there are a lot of spam search requests and this allows us to block them. If we would not block spam, it would cost us money and resources to answer these search requests, meaning that we would not effectively carry out charitable activities of tree planting, feeding hungry children and giving sanitary pads to girls without pads.

How safe you are from cookies
A cookie is a small text file sent by a website you visit on your device. Ssebowa uses cookies to remember your technical preferences like language so that on the same device these preferences stay the same from one search to another and ensure that you get the best experience on our website. All this is done with much due respect for your privacy because the cookies used do not contain information that would personally identify you and are not accessible to third parties. Henceforth, we do not merge any cookies or other tracking technologies provided by advertising agencies or other partners.

Contact Information
We only use your name and email address to respond to contact requests that you may have made through our Contact page or for communications regarding our services and products. We do not use these details for any other purpose. Furthermore, we respect that if you request and no longer give consent to us possessing your name and email address for contact reasons, we will delete this data.

How further your privacy can be protected
Ssebowa does its best to protect your privacy while you search, but you can take additional steps to protect your internet browsing from other parties. For example, your network provider or browser might still be able to access some of your data. If you feel insecure searching for information because you think you might be tracked, we would recommend you use a service such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or TOR relay service so that even Ssebowa does not have access to your real IP address.
We also advise you to use the Ssebowa app for your internet browsing or other browsers that do not keep your browsing history and do not analyze it for advertising purposes.

More about the policy
This Privacy Policy only applies to our website and its related services, collectively the “Services”. If you proceed to other websites via our links, our privacy policy is void. Please note that we may from time to time update this Privacy Policy by posting a new version on When we make any changes, we will notify you by posting a notice in the Services prior to the change becoming effective. Your continued use of the Services after the effective date will be subject to the new Privacy Policy.