Enjoy hours of fun with a classic recreation of Snake!
Enjoy hours of fun with Snake! Now modernized into a Chrome extension, you can now play a classic version of Snake in a pop-up anytime and anywhere you want!
[ Updates and Patch Notes ]
v0.1.2 :
- Added feature when pressing 'Space' in the Main Menu or
Settings starts a new game.
- Fixed some reported errors and typos in snake messages
every time you die.
v0.1.1 :
- Added Adjustable Grid Sizes ranging from small to big.
- Added a Range of different coloured variations of the snake
that you can change to your liking.
- Settings are now saved even if you close the pop-up.
- Fixed bug when closing the pop-up it wouldn't save your
highscore/new score.
- Added feature when pressing 'Space' during a game will pause
the snake, NOTE: Your snake position and direction does NOT
save whenever closing the pop-up.