freelancer extension

#3.09 / 11 rate

freelancer extension

714 users


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The extension displays employer's details on and removes annoying pop-up notifications of newly posted projects.

This Google Chrome extension will do three very important things:

1. It will display the name of the employer on the project page, as well as the link to his profile page (inspite of not allowing it to be seen).

2. It shows the "View Employer's Profile" button on client's profile page. You cannot see the average star-rating of the employer (curtosy of Freelancer), but you can see all of his revies, yay! (If the button appears unresponsive, refreshing the page should do the trick)

3. It will remove those annoying pop-up notifications of the latest posted projects. (Maybe you are OK with those, but they are killing me!) They are particularly annoying when trying to take an exam, or when trying to bid on a project and accidentally clicking on them... The main thing is that I failed to see any practical benefits of these notifications, so... hence the "remover" option.

This version also features one bug :) - when you setup your "Options", it does absolutely nothing! For this reason, it is still in construction phase.

This extension is actually an announcement for the soon-to-be-finished desktop application which will hopefully be of great help for freelancers around the world! For more info visit