Sign up to not only continue watching the videos you already love watching but learn with some real world examples at the same time.
➤ Supported on Netflix, YouTube, Disney+ (and more coming soon...)
➤ Watch, Review, Recall all in the same platform
We’ll do the flashcard making so you don’t have to! Iago automatically keeps track of the words / grammar you’ve seen and has built custom spaced-repetition quizzes for you to recall the content you’ve seen so far.
➤ The only platform that tracks grammar
We believe grammar is just as important as vocabulary — especially how easy it is to forget part of the structure. Iago tracks and will display grammar on the content you’re watching.
➤ Keep track of your progress globally
Progress isn’t bound to a list or deck anymore, Iago keeps track of your progress per word / grammar.
⏎ Give Us Feedback
We’re continuously building so we’d love to hear from you live on what features you all want next!
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Iago will only append subtitles and quizzes on top of your existing content.
For more information, please check our Privacy Policy