Shopon - ChatGPT for Amazon

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Shopon - ChatGPT for Amazon

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Amazon Review analysis, listing optimization

Shopon is a free web tool that analyzes millions of Amazon reviews and listings, powered by ChatGPT/GPT4.

Simply click on the labels within an amazon product page to open a Shopon web page, or copy and paste any Amazon product URL or ASIN into the search bar on a Shopon web page. Then ChatGPT will work magic 24x7 behind the scenes, acting as your indispensable assistant for review analysis, and listing optimization.

The main functions include:

Review Analysis: analyze customer’s sentiments, likes and dislikes using your product, gain insights into how products are used and areas for improvement.

Marketing Copy: based on product reviews, generate Tiktok/IG style KOL reviews to promote your products on social media platforms

Listing Optimization: optimize your listing copy (5 bullets, product descriptions) with more relevant keywords and salient selling points

Your feedbacks are extremely welcome. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected].