Super Netflix

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Super Netflix

100,000 users


Super Netflix

Extension Information

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Change video quality, Control video speed, Upload custom subtitles and much more - Make Your Experience on Netflix More Enjoyable.

Read more here:

== If you have any problems with Super Netflix or did you discover any bugs or you have any new ideas to improve Super Netflix?

Please visit And we will answer you as fast as we can, we don't answer any questions or provide help on chrome store review tab.

======Super Netflix========
===Full List of Features===

*NEW* Video speed rate option (from 0.5 to 4x faster).
It helps when you watching a slow movie, speed it up or if you learning a new language using Netflix you can watch in slow motion now.

Streaming Video Quality ⚠️⚠️NOT WORKING FOR NOW⚠️⚠️
----- Change Video bitrate to play Higher Quality.
----- Auto Choose Video Quality -bitrate-
----- Accept Multiple Qualities(Changes automatically according to your internet speed).

Netflix binge-watching without Spoilers
----- blurred images and episode descriptions, watch TV series without any Spoilers.

Auto Skip Intro Automatically
----- from options page you can choose to skip intros Automatically

Upload Custom subtitles.
----- Support Any Language.
----- Convert and Search for Subtitles in

Five modes to change brightness, saturation, and contrast
----- Normal (Default by Netflix)
----- Bright
----- Brighter
----- Night
----- Late Night
----- Black and White

Changing Netflix Streaming Server (If Streaming is slow try another Netflix server).

Control Volume with the mouse wheel.

Show Streaming Info (For Geeks and Nerds ^_^).

Hide Forced Subtitles (Press H or V to toggle the subtitles Hide/Show)

Shortcut with your mouse.
----- Center Click Opens Changer Panel for Video Quality and Streaming Server.
----- Right Click Opens Streaming Info Panel.

Coming Soon More Super and Awesome Features for Netflix, Don't forget to comment and review and tell us what you need next.

** Disclaimer ** Netflix is registered trademarks, this extension is not affiliated with Netflix.


General M-13
General M-13

Hate to join the bandwagon on this, but none of this extension's functions seem to be working at time of writing, the Bitrate changer was already know, but Blurring and skipping intro's don't work either.

Leah Garrison
Leah Garrison

speed changer did not work/not visible on netflix. 8/2/2024

Chris Ellorris
Chris Ellorris

I wanted this extension for the spoiler blocking aspect. It does not work as of June of 2024.

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