TimeTags for YouTube

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TimeTags for YouTube

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Chih-Hsuan Fan

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Create YouTube time tags with simple keyboard shortcuts

TimeTags for Youtube is a tool designed to simplify the task of tagging specific moments in YouTube videos. Say goodbye to manually writing timestamps in a separate text editor. With yt-timetag, you can conveniently add and adjust tags within the YouTube interface using your keyboard. The extension provides precise and accurate timestamps, enhancing your experience when tagging longer videos.

# Usage

Browse to any YouTube video, click the icon of the extension in browser bar to activate it.

## Shortcuts

- [delete, backspace] remove tag (affects active tag)
- [left] backward 5 seconds (affects active tag)
- [alt+left] backward 1 second (affects active tag)
- [right] forward 5 seconds (affects active tag)
- [alt+right] forward 1 second (affects active tag)
- [space] play/pause
- [a] add a tag at current time
- [d] edit the description of active tag
- [esc] cancel active tag

Shortcuts won't work when YouTube's bulit-in shortcuts is active (which means your focus is currently on the video element).

# Changelog

## 1.6.2

- Fix: "Reset to default" button in shortcuts settings not working

## 1.6.1

- Fix: export as markdown doesn't work as expected

## 1.6.0

- Fix: mouse wheel behavior in tag/comment list
- Add "Trash" tab for temporarily holding removed tags
- Add options page
- Explorer
- Custom shortcuts
- Data import/export
- Standalone Explorer is also available at https://cloud.pymaster.tw/yt-timetag-explorer/

## 1.5.0

- Add "CHAPTERS" tab
- Fix: seek-to-time operation sometimes doesn't work

## 1.4.5

- Remove unnecessary site `permissions` specified for Firefox support in Chrome build

## 1.4.4

- Fix "sync" feature recent videos ordering bug
- Optimize sync compression performance (UX)
- Refine tag description display in different container widths

## 1.4.3

- Add `chrome.storage.local` as primary storage option
- "Sync" feature of Chrome
- Now syncs recently updated 100 videos only
- Compress `chrome.storage.sync` data to better utilize the quota (100kB max)
- Store video id, video title information for upcoming features

## 1.4.2

- Firefox support

## 1.4.0

- Export in Markdown format
- CommentList UI: add time tags in comments to your collection

## 1.3.2

- Fix youtube player retrieve issue

## 1.3.1
- Fix spacebar shortcut issue

## 1.3.0
- Fix time tag display issue
- Support Dark Mode

## 1.2.0
- Remove "tabs" permission
- Default to sync storage of Chrome
- Add shortcut for "remove"
- Update for new YouTube design component change

## 1.1.0
- Support new YouTube design
- Tag list will become scrollable when it feels overwhemled
- Add keyboard shortcut `d` for editing active tag description, due to `/` is already used by the new YouTube

## 1.0.0
Add "import" function.

## 0.0.1
First release.