Social Media Censorship Research Tool

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Social Media Censorship Research Tool

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This project uses a browser plug-in to alert users to any Facebook posts of theirs that may have been censored.

Project Lutein

Taiwan AI Labs invites social media users to participate in its project.

It is difficult for individuals to grasp the full picture of social media censorship. They may not be aware that their speech is being censored or deprioritized by algorithms. This project uses a browser plug-in to alert users to any Facebook posts of theirs that may have been censored. The goal is to help the general public understand the platform’s censorship behavior, to collect censored public content to public dataset, and to evaluate the neutrality of social media content censorship.

This project is an open research project beginning with Facebook, and invites the open source community to migrate to any other social media platforms.

By installing this Chrome Extension plugin, you can:

1. Discover which of your public posts have been blocked or removed from social platforms through the added button in the main page.
2. Contribute the censored posts that have been removed or blocked to the public dataset. This public dataset will serve as the basis for Taiwan AI Labs’ research on social media censorship.

If you install this plugin, you agree to the above description and allow Taiwan AI Labs to include your censored posts in this project.

葉黃素計劃 Project Lutein

台灣人工智慧實驗室(Taiwan AI Labs) 邀請社群平台使用者共同參與計畫。



透過安裝此Chrome Extention小工具,您便可以:
1. 透過主頁側邊欄新增的按鈕,得知自己有哪些公開言論被社群平台遮蔽或下架。
2. 貢獻審查下架的公開貼文,此公開資料庫將作為台灣人工智慧實驗室社交媒社群言論審查研究基礎。
