7,000 users
This extension saves pages to view for later.
Não possibilita deletar tudo de uma vez. É possível exportar e importar. Deletar cada link salvo...E muitos liks salvos faz com que demore funcionar
I really love this extension. First off, it's underrated as hell. Second, it tackles what PEOPLE REALLY WANT in such a simple way, a popup that opens instantly and shows all your saved sites. It goes really well the extension "Simple Tab Renamer" if you want to rename your tabs and write it with more importance. Although if the developer were to update this extension and add a new feature, I would like a feature to organize the sites and links. To be able to put them all together in a folder and name that folder to something like, "Important matters" would be really helpful so I don't have to feel guilty of the link being drowned in other sites and having to search it with the search bar.
Try adding a shortcut key to save the tabs, rather than clicking on the extension and then clicking "+" symbol.
Wave Lab
Diego Nakamashi
Allen Abraham
Ryan Hoffmann
Angus Zhu