Upload larger text files to ChatGPT
⚠️ This extension only works on chat.openai.com
# How does it work?
1. Press 'Submit File' to upload a text file to ChatGPT
2. The extension splits file in multiple chunks that won't overload the model
3. A progress bar indicates how much has already been loaded
4. Lower the `Character Count` if you're seeing any errors
5. That's it!
💡 For best results, add your prompt *before* uploading the file.
# Acceptable File Formats
Right now it accepts the following file types:
* Text `.txt`
* Markdown `.md`
* Javascript `.js`
* Python `.py`
* HTML `.html`
* CSS `.css`
* JSON `.json`
* CSV `.csv`
# Why use it?
* Summarise long documents?
* Find actions in meeting notes?
* Analyse interviews?
* Find patterns and insights in tabular data?
* Find bugs in your code?
# Acknowledgements
Inspired by [AutomateMyLife](https://www.youtube.com/@automatemylife00/).