Close Other Tabs+

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Close Other Tabs+

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Close/pin/unpin/group/ungroup multiple tabs at once, filtering them by a window, pin/group state or URL.

Close Other Tabs+ is a powerful extension designed to manage tabs effortlessly. With this tool, you can close, pin, unpin, group, or ungroup multiple tabs at once.

The context menu items (referred to as "actions" in Close Other Tabs+) shown in the screenshots are just the default settings. You can remove or edit any of them or add new ones. What each action does is up to you. For instance, you might choose to close tabs to the left in the current window. Or close all tabs in all windows with the same domain as the active tab, including pinned ones. Or perhaps you want to close all groups except the current one - that's possible, too!

The extension provides two context menus:
Extension icon menu: Right-click the extension icon in the toolbar to access this menu, which can contain up to six actions.
Page menu: Right-click on any webpage and select "Close Other Tabs+" to access this menu, where you can include as many actions as you like.

Clicking the extension icon will immediately close other tabs. If you prefer a different action, you can set any action as the "Main action" in the settings.

Close Other Tabs+ also supports keyboard shortcuts. To assign a hotkey to an action, follow these steps:
1. Open the extension settings and go to the "Actions" section.
2. Expand the "Actions" dropdown and note the index of the action you want to assign to a hotkey.
3. Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts, locate Close Other Tabs+, and assign a hotkey to Action X (where X is the index of your chosen action).
Optional permissions:
Read your browsing history
The extension will only request this permission if you use the filter-by-URL features, in which case it will need it to distinguish between tabs with different URLs.
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When using Close Other Tabs+, you may come across affiliate links on the extension settings page.


Елена Мошик
Елена Мошик

Добрый день! Пожалуйста, верните возможность закрывать вкладки через горячие клавиши!!!!

Vlady Yakovenko
Vlady Yakovenko



Благодарю! А то Тъупоръылые инвалиды из разрабов и обнов хром решили, что всем нужно обязательно закрывать все вкладки только СПРАВА, когда мне наоборот ВСЕГДА нужно закрывать все вкладки СЛЕВА! Хотя может у них там инвалид левша работает, который решил, что как ему удобно, так и всем надо сделать

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