What is My IP Address

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What is My IP Address

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View your public ip address via toolbar popup.

What is My IP Address is an extension that lets you view your public IP address in the toolbar popup UI.

By default, no server is selected. Please open the UI and select a desired server from the list. Two types of servers are available in the list, HTTP or STUN. STUN servers use WebRTC technology to find your IP address. HTTP servers use fetch API to obtain the IP address. In general, all third-part servers should show a similar IP address. But, in some situations, they might show different IP addresses. All changes in the popup UI are auto-saved to the memory.

Note: this addon uses several third-party API engines to render your IP address. Please note that, unless you select a server, this addon does NOT interact with any third-party website/service at all. Moreover, it does NOT store your IP address or any other information in any remote location. However, third-party servers (HTTP or STUN) have their policy and rules for storing IP addresses. Therefore, before using any server, please read their privacy policy. This addon does NOT have any control over their privacy policies.

To report bugs or suggest a feature request, please fill the bug report form on the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/ip-address.html).