Lichess Bullet Block

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Lichess Bullet Block

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Remove Bullet Games from Lichess, optionally block Blitz Games and Puzzle Variants

You are playing too many Bullet Games or Puzzle Variants, wasting your time by chasing the next dopamine push?

This extension removes all options on to start a Bullet Game, with the option to additionally block Blitz Games.

Improve your skills by playing Blitz, Rapid and Classical. Take your chess to the next level by thinking more deeply about your moves instead of rushing from game to game.

The extension removes the option to start a bullet game at four different locations:

1. Removing the 1+0 and 2+1 Bullet Games from the Quick pairing menu
2. Filtering and removing all Bullet Games from the Lobby
3. If you start a game by clicking "Create a game", the slider is changed to allow only 3+ minutes
4. If you go to your recently played games, the extension checks whether the game is a Bullet Game. If so, the "New Opponent" button is removed.

Using the options page, all of these measures can also be applied to Blitz Games. Furthermore, it is possible to remove any Puzzle Variant and enable or disable quotes added to the page.