SearchJumper - Context Search

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SearchJumper - Context Search

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Search selected text in multiple engines, reverse image / link search, search customization. Multi-regex highlight & find in page.

SearchJumper is an context search extension dedicated to boosting your search efficiency. It allows users to quickly toggle between leading search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, while supporting simultaneous multiple keyword searching and highlighting across results.

With search bar / tile box / super drag ring, it brings the best search features to Chrome, and much more besides:
● one-click search customization
● auto search selected text
● search by image
● search with AI powered by OpenAI ChatGPT / Google Gemini and others
● customizable hotkeys
● search suggestions
● highlight search terms on all tabs
● find search terms in page
● search current site

With SearchJumper, you can easily compare search results from all different engines.

It is fully open-source - you can view the project code on GitHub.

SearchJumper respects your privacy and is free from spam or third-party libraries. Effortlessly transition between search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, and more.

Text selection search, also known as instant search or highlight and search, is transforming the way we interact with digital content.

SearchJumper combines the power of quick lookup and pop-up dictionaries, allowing users to effortlessly access information with a simple drag and search action. Whether you're a student using a selection translator for language learning, or a professional leveraging context menu search for efficient research, SearchJumper streamlines information retrieval.

The convenience of one-click search and hover dictionaries means you can instantly access definitions, translations, and related content without interrupting your workflow. From in-line translation to smart select capabilities, text selection search tools are becoming indispensable for anyone seeking to enhance their productivity and comprehension in our fast-paced digital world.

Embrace SearchJumper and experience the future of seamless, context-aware information access today.

Explore the project on GitHub:

Find additional search engines on our discussion page:

Seamlessly navigate and conduct searches with ease. Use right-click context menus, drag & drop, or a variety of shortcuts to search selected text, images, or links on any search engine.

The extension features advanced multi-keyword highlighting with support for regex, fuzzy, and dynamic search capabilities. Manage all your favorite search engines and switch between them directly from the tile or context menu.

The default hotkey to invoke it is Alt + `, but it can be customized.

Search for pictures, links, videos, audios, pages, etc. (long press the right mouse on the corresponding object)
Support word search on any page (need to long press the right mouse, you can also change to swipe to call out immediately in the settings)
Support search by site
Shortcut keys (single key or key combination) to start search (such as alt+g Google search, which can be customized at will)
Right-click the category icon to open the sites in batches
Hold shift + left click on category icon to open batches in new window
Hold ctrl + left click on category icon to open in background TAB
Hold alt + left-click a category icon to batch open multiple separate windows
Hold ctrl + shift + left click on category icon to open batches in incognito window
Hold alt + shift + left click on category icon to open batches embedding
shift + left click on site icon to open in new window
ctrl + (left click/shortcut/drag) on site icon to open in background TAB
alt + (left click/shortcut/drag) on site icon to preview in small window
ctrl + shift + (left click/shortcut/drag) single site/press shortcut key to open in incognito window.
Call search bar for input words to filter sites by shortcut key when select no words, press enter to search quickly, ctrl + enter to search without lock.
Can set the category to be displayed only on the specified site through the regular rule
Right click on cute face to hide the toolbar
Left click on cute face to open the configuration page
Support open with shortcut key, right click on the logo to close
Support configuration export and quick sharing
Support middle button to open links in the background
Support custom css
Support full character encoding
Support Post, in-page post and non-jump post
Comprehensive customization
No 3rd party dependencies
Self-expand current category
No tamper with the original page
Drag to search with current category


Lavria Neptune
Lavria Neptune

找了很多划词搜索的软件,少部分网站不支持直接 paste %s 过去搜索,只有这个插件能做到划词之后执行一些脚本比如点击搜索按钮来获取结果,太好用了! 建议划选和轮盘这种快捷方式可以自定义搜索引擎,特别是划选要是能搜索所需的引擎就更好了,现阶段应该是根据使用频率来上浮相关搜索引擎的,对于我这种刚开始使用的基本很少能直接点选我需要的搜索引擎。所以我把这两个模式关闭了主要使用右键搜索。 总之这款应用完全值得一个五星好评👍 -------- 还真有,是我还没有熟练使用这个插件,哈哈

Jack Axelrod
Jack Axelrod

Love it, can you add a feature to search selected words directly from the popup without necessarily opening a new page? For example I select the word 'Cat' and I click on Google Images button, and I can see the images on a popup directly from the same page, without changing tab, that would be amazing


才发现你,一定是我的问题。 很想找一个开源代码能直接划词或者右键点击就可以去百度、豆瓣等网站搜索的多功能插件或脚本,一直没找到好用的。测试了下,花了点时间研究使用说明等操作方式,发现你就是个宝。 特别是那个仅需按住 Ctrl + Alt 并单击搜索框,即可快速添加搜索引擎,简直是天才设计。 立马必须过来五星好评!希望更多人看到这个插件!良心的开发者,祝您一切都好!

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