Devtools panel for GraphQL development
I love the idea of having a plugin that better displays grahpQL queries and responses within the developer tools. This however falls short in multiple ways. 1. The response tab always shows the same data for any call. This seems to be the last call made. 2. The list of queries doesn't update consistently causing many to be missing. 3. The list of queries that it does show is little more that a filter on 'graphql' and what type of call (I am assuming to remove the pre-flight calls). To be better than the network tab it should also show the query name, or similar, so that I can quickly find the one query that I am looking for. 4. Feels very slow. 5. There is no way to clear the queries that are displayed.
not working
not work
Dustin R. Callaway
Mahesh Chand
Igor Vieira
Redux DevTools
Deep Patel