DigitalA11Y Color Contrast Checker

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DigitalA11Y Color Contrast Checker

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Accessibility color contrast checker and color pallet generator

Accessibility color contrast checker and color pallet generator according to WCAG accessibility requirements.
It compares the color contrast ratio between the foreground and background of the elements that are on the page according to WCAG.

1. Be at the top of the web page for easy access
2. Picks the background and foreground colors from the web page with just a click.
3. Allows the manual input of background and foreground colors in hexadecimal values.
4. Provides the current ratio in a jiffy.
5. Suggests possible color codes that are contrastive as per WCAG guidelines.


Jazz Rich
Jazz Rich

Can't close or resize the panel... Always resets to #fff on #000

Eric Bonar
Eric Bonar

I like the ease of use and how straight forward it is. I can easily copy and paste HEX codes into the different sections, or use the eyedropper to grab the color I need. An issue with the eyedropper is that it's zoomed in so much that it can be a little difficult to get on a row or column of pixels in order to grab the color you're trying to get. I tried it on the menu of my client's site and the pixels it showed for the text were various colors (I'll comment with a screenshot). I typically use ColorZilla to grab color codes, but it's zoom is not as good as yours. Having the iframe take up space at the top of the window, and not being able to adjust the height of it will take a little getting used to. This is not a complaint, btw. I appreciate that you included a "More color details" section that can expand to show the wcag color levels chart for the text color, and the various colors within that range below the chart. That makes it so much easier to decide which color to use. Overall, GREAT JOB! This is going to be the one I use for testing from now on.

Aamir Raza
Aamir Raza

I find your service to be very helpful as I no longer have to switch between windows to test color contrast.

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