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Get automagically notfied of changes in JIRAs that are important to you!
JIRAFier - for Atlassian JIRA - breaks you free from drowning in emails and uses notifications instead - leaving you in control to focus on what matters now.
Simply flag a JIRA for tracking using a new button in the JIRA toolbar and you'll see a new notification when the status changes or there's a new comment to that JIRA - keeping information overload at bay!
You also get an instant overview of all tracked JIRAs with their current statuses in an intuitive interface. From here you can create your own reminder about a JIRA using date and time - if you're expecting a status update or waiting for a comment for instance.
The version introduces EPIC support. If you're assigned an epic and you start to track that using JIRAFier - for Atlassian JIRA - you will automatically track all related open issues. You can still manually remove individual JIRA:s regardless if they're included in an epic or not.