646 users
James Kwan
The XKCD Alt Text extension makes it slightly easier to read the XKCD web comic. It's primary function is to add a description…
Extremely bad. It has ONE JOB, and somehow manages to completely fail at it. It never shows the alt text of the xkcd ANYWHERE on the page. The only thing it seems to do is show the *title* text (which can always be easily read without the extension by simply hovering over the comic), but the alcual *alt* text is nowhere to be found. 100% misleading
alt != title Great extension and works perfectly as expected. However, the feature moving the site header below the comic—although it can be overridden—should not be the default, as it isn't the main function of the extension. Headers are important for accessibility & navigation and this feature rearranges the actual source markup, which affects screen readers. This feature should be opt-in, not opt-out. (And should use CSS only [e.g. Flexbox] to reorder the view.) Also, one minor distinction: This app does not reveal "alt text"; it reveals "title text", which XKCD uses as supplementary text for the comic. The "alt text" of the image is still unexposed.
Uses a background page (which consumes RAM even when not used) and doesn't sync options.
Cameron Lakenen
Nick Morgan
Florian Laurent