Facebook sharing SUPER POWERS on X
Shareable Tweets puts a Facebook Reactions bar on every tweet. This easy to use and helpful extension lets you React to Tweets like you can on Facebook.
Included emoji's : š, š, š, š®, š„, š±
Make Shareable Tweets in One Click!
š GitHub: https://github.com/egfx/ShareableTweets
* Fixed an issue preventing tweets from reaching Facebook
* Fixed an issue that made the share button stop working on some tweets
* Made to work with new Twitter! Includes GoodTwitter!
* Takes you to twitter.com automatically so you don't need to navigate to it by yourself.
* Facebook Reactions Pack update! Added the Facebook Reaction bar to every tweet on the timeline!
Like button and emoticons added!
v 2.8
* New and improved share ticker with full color emoji!
v 2.6 - 2.7
* Fixed an issue with share links appearing on tweets that are too long for them
v 2.5
* Changed the description to make it easier to understand the product
v 2.4
* Updated the share ticker to make it look more vibrant and more compact
(old share ticker ā¶)
(new share ticker āŗ)
"Like! buttons for tweets"
Spanish language -
ā http://www.clasesdeperiodismo.com/2012/04/15/comparte-actualizaciones-de-twitter-en-facebook-sin-vincular-las-cuentas/
ā http://www.chatsala.com/2fbme-la-forma-mas-simple-de-compartir-tweets-en-facebook/
24 hour Support:
ā https://twitter.com/2fbsup