AI for Busy Email

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AI for Busy Email

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Writing for Busy Reade...

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Use the science of Writing for Busy Readers to Rewrite text with the power of AI.

AI for Busy Email: Rewrite Email Based on Scientific Principles

Edit your emails using the insights of the Writing for Busy Readers book. This makes your emails more likely to be read and responded to. Help skimmers understand your key information before they move on. AI for Busy Email uses state-of-the-art AI technology combined with scientific principles to help you rewrite any text to be more reader-friendly—in just seconds!

How Does it Work? 🛠️

• Highlight the text you want to rewrite.
• Right-click and select "Rewrite with AI for Busy Readers."
• Watch as the extension instantly transforms your selected text into a version that's easy-to-read and impactful.
• No more tedious editing or struggling with how to make your message most effective.
• Then edit what it suggests to make your final email more effective.

What Problems Does AI for Busy Email Solve? 🤔

👩‍💻 Struggling to write emails that get read and acted upon
✅ AI for Busy Email provides you with engaging and actionable editing suggestions

📝 Time-consuming editing and proofreading
✅ The extension rewrites your text in seconds so busy readers will be more likely to read and respond

🤯 Overloaded with information and dense text
✅ AI for Busy Email simplifies complex or verbose text

🤷‍♀️ Unsure how to effectively convey the key parts of your message
✅ Get content that aligns with evidence-based best practices for busy readers

Benefits of Using AI for Busy Email 🌟

📬 Transform your emails to be skimmable and easy to read
⏳ Save precious time with quick rewrites