Tilly Instagram™ Stats & Image Downloader

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Tilly Instagram™ Stats & Image Downloader

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Enhance your professional Instagram experience, check and analyze stats

No more struggling getting real data. Know exactly how popular your posts are on Instagram by seeing real statistics of Likes, Hashtags and more.
Anyone and any business can use Tilly to free up time and see statistics for Instagram profiles. No Instagram Login Required.

➤ Easily check Instagram post engagements, average Likes and comments of accounts of your competitors or Influencers you want to work with;
➤ See who is following you back;
➤ See statistics such as Sponsored Posts, Location, Popularity right on the Instagram profile page!
➤ Copy Hashtags with a click on a button
➤ Check how popular hashtags are used so you can use them to increase your visibility
➤ See banned hashtags to avoid using them
➤ Instagram Image Downloader feature

For Brands doing Influencer Marketing:

Tilly offers a great way to check engagement and posting habits of Influencers to quickly decide if they have quality audience. It is also an easy way to spot influencers with fake or artificial followers and likes.

For Influencers growing their accounts:

A great way to have an overview look on your posts and see which posts are outperforming the rest. Being able to quickly copy hashtags to use on other posts. Check on your fellow influencers to see how they are performing. See who's actually following you back making it easier to purge those who unfollowed you