TikTok Influencer Insights | Omnifluence

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TikTok Influencer Insights | Omnifluence

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Analyse engagement rate of any tiktok influencer right in your browser.

Influencer Data & Engagement Rate Extension for TikTok.

This freemium extension lets you view any TikTok users average engagement rate as well average reach completely for free. More data as well as visual charts of the influencers stats is included in the PRO version.

Includes following data completely for free:
• average engagement rate
• average reach

PRO data includes: (all of the above) +
• average likes
• average comments
• average average shares

AND - Charts visualizing:
• Views of each post
• Likes of each post
• Comments of each post

To help make sure the influencer has a good reach and not just one viral post to skew their stats, pro users now also get access to:

• highest estimated reach
• lowest estimated reach

How does it work?
1. Make sure you are logged in to TikTok and have this extension running.
2. Navigate to any user profile on your desktop chrome browser.
3. The new user data should be visible to the right of the usual TikTok profile data (such as bio, followers,etc).

Whats New!

Feature Roadmap
(what cool new things will be included in the future)
1. Save Influencer - Bookmark all the influencers you like to keep track of and download their data
2. Cross platform integration - Keep track of the influencer across multiple platforms rather than having to find them on each one.

Feedback & Support
We are always happy to hear your thoughts and suggestion. Don't hesitate to reach out to us!