Fast Chinese-English dictionary search! Look up Mandarin Chinese words using Hanzi characters, Pinyin, or English.
The pronunciation utility needs work. There's a sophisticated bit of discrimination software in there soeplace (which there bloody ought to be: people have only been at work on it since about 1952), but the app programming, the interfacing to the human, is still messy. A lot of total fails, where the machine just doesn't hear the person; a lot of dead air both waiting for the evaluation and waiting for the next word. Promising, but not really ready for prime time.
Pretty good, but it would be nicer to search entire phrases than just words for the dictionary. Piecing together phrases is a tad awkward after just learning words with the flash cards. The flash cards are nice though ~
Paul La
Fujun Du
Christian Schiller
Aldert Vaandering
Pablo Roman