Social Ad Peek

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Social Ad Peek

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See your competition's social ads with just 1 click.

From any competitor's website, simply click the extension and you'll open the Facebook Ad Library in a new tab with the competitor's ads pre-loaded. With this extension, you'll save time and do more competitive research - a true win win!

This is an important extension in the toolkit of any digital marketer. We all intend to deep competitive research, but during the chaos of day-to-day work, its easy to put this off. Say goodbye to procrastination because with Social Ad Peek, competitive social intelligence is just 1 click away.

Social Ad Peek is the only working, actively updated extension focused on making competitive social research easy. When you install this free, lightweight extension you will reduce the friction of firing up Facebook Ad LIbrary and searching for a brand. With this free digital marketing plugin, you can jump straight to the appropriate Facebook Ads listing page directly from your competitor's website.