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Visual Research Made Easy

Visual Bookmarking Made Easy

Boardflow is the privacy-focused, professional way for creative teams and individuals to collect images from the web in a private and collaborative space.

You can signup at

- Collect, organize and save your visual inspiration in private boards.
- Capture single images, crops, visible tabs or entire web pages from your browser.
- Add tags and save webpage URLS, so it’s easy to find a specific image.

Keep your boards private or share them with your teams and clients and collaborate through comments.

The official Boardflow extension for Chrome adds a button to the browser to let designers and creative professionals collect, organize and save visual references and design inspiration from any website.

Easily import all the images you have sitting on your desktop, just by dragging and dropping them on Boardflow.

Here are a few of our values building Boardflow:

* For creative professionals
Boardflow is made thinking about the needs of creative professionals like:
graphic & brand designers
architects and interior designers
ux/ui designers
fashion designers
creative directors and marketing teams

* Privacy-focused
Your inspiration is your secret sauce! That’s why all your boards will be private by default.

* No-ads
You will never see an ads on Boardflow

* Fair pricing
You can choose the pricing plan that best fits your needs. Or just try Boardflow on the free plan.

Feel free to give us your feedback, writing to [email protected]