Select a word on any website and instantly get its definition at TheFreeDictionary, the world's most comprehensive dictionary!
I like that The Free Dictionary draws its definitions and information from so many different sources. This helps me know I am using precisely the right words to convey my meaning when writing. I also like the thesaurus, which helps ensure my writing isn't boring, and the legal and medical dictionaries which help me not sound like too big of an idiot when I write about these complex subjects.
You double-click a word, right click, and select TheFreeDictionary to open up another tab to the definition. You can also click the extension and type in a word, it will open TheFreeDictionary in another tab as well. Nice, clean, simple, thanks.
I use TheFreeDictionary daily, it's a wonderful app. BUT the extension is not as advertised. It's clumsy and timeconsuming. First, you have to click twice to highlight the word, then left-click on it; you get a dropdown menu with +-6 menu items (depending on your browser), with TheFreeDictionary down towards the bottom. Most browsers include a search for the highlighted word (google for Chrome, bing for Microsoft Edge, etc.). I removed it from my Extensions immediately after I wrote this review.
Nam Nguyen Hoai
Max Shawabkeh
Quy Nguyen
Sin Jeong-hun
Tu Tran
Tan Kan