ZoomInfo Chrome Extension

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ZoomInfo Chrome Extension

300,000 users




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Access ZoomInfo's best-in-class contact and company data on any website using our Chrome Extension. Free for ZoomInfo customers.

📣Tap into ZoomInfo’s industry-best B2B contact and company data on any website using our Chrome Extension. Free for ZoomInfo SalesOS and TalentOS customers!

Unlock Insights. Engage Customers. Win Faster.

👊 Sellers

💥Fueled by ZoomInfo's premier B2B intelligence platform, you can effortlessly retrieve phone numbers, email addresses, and key buying signals without navigating away from your current tab.

🔍Identify leads on LinkedIn or company websites and seamlessly send prospects an email or add them to an automated sequence, all within the ZoomInfo Chrome Extension.

💫Say goodbye to manual data entry. Export your searches to Salesforce, Outreach, HubSpot, or any of our 70+ compatible integrations.

👋 Recruiters

📱Supercharge your sourcing with direct contact information for millions of candidates — all without leaving LinkedIn, Indeed, or company websites.

✅ Add qualified candidates to an automated email sequence or a Project in TalentOS and manage your search by applying tags to candidates or companies.

🖱Export lists of candidates from ZoomInfo's best-in-class data solution to your ATS with one click.

💘 What our customers are saying:

“ZoomInfo’s Chrome Extension with LinkedIn does a superb job in providing valuable information during our search for both accounts and contacts.” – Workfront

“The ZoomInfo Chrome Extension is great because I can visit a company's website and find a person to contact and their phone number almost instantly.” – L.L. Bean

“The ZoomInfo Chrome Extension is a time-saver, allowing me to add company and contact data with just a few clicks. I have been able to close more deals faster with ZoomInfo.” – Tipalti

“I like that I can add someone to my Talentflow with a click of a button. It’s like, do you want to add this guy to a Talentflow? Absolutely, yes I do!” - Baker Growth Specialists