Search by image on Amazon

#4.95 / 351 rate

Search by image on Amazon

1,000 users



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Right-click on a photo on any website and you will find that item on Amazon.

Search by image on Amazon with one click.

The AI-powered extension called "Search by Image on Amazon" uses advanced technology to provide users with a unique functionality. By analyzing images, the extension is able to search for relevant products. To use this feature, users can conveniently right-click on any image in their browser and select the "Search on Amazon" option. The extension then uploads the image to the server, where it is analyzed using a trained neural network. As a result, the user is presented with a curated selection of products on Amazon that closely match the uploaded image.

To add "Search by Image on Amazon" to your browser now, just click "Add to Chrome".

Search by photo - not all the functionality the extension can do. We will not only find the exact same product, but also show the most similar ones with prices and reviews.

Amazon locale domain support: .com | | .de | .fr | .it | .es | .in

No account required.


Irene García
Irene García

No funciona de ninguna manera! Revisen antes de subir a la store de chrome una extensión que funcione!

Eneko Castresana
Eneko Castresana

No hace absolutamente nada. Ni desde el menu con el boton derecho ni desde el menu de la extension. No abre nada despues de seleccionar o subir una imagen. Nada. No funciona.

daobing wang
daobing wang

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