Mile Wide Back

#4.2 / 10 rate

Mile Wide Back

697 users



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Allows you to quickly navigate your browser history and to switch between tabs by clicking on the left edge of your screen/window.

The left edge of your browser window becomes a multi-purpose button. It is infinitely wide because your mouse can continue to travel left, while the cursor will remain stuck to the edge of the screen.

For optimal usability, please make sure that your window in maximized.

The trick is to fling your wrist to the left. No accuracy or coordination is needed here. You could even do this blind-folded.

Then proceed to left/middle/right click the mouse as desired or rotate your mouse wheel.

* Left click to navigate back
* Right click to navigate forward
* Middle-click to close the current tab
* Rotate the mouse wheel to cycle through your open tabs
* Left and right click at the same time to create a new tab

This extension doesn't work on the Browser's Settings page and the WebStore page, because of Chrome's security policy.

Unlike other mouse gesture extensions, this extension doesn't require you to hold the mouse button down while moving it, which means less coordination required!