Ikke Work Graph

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Ikke Work Graph

21 users



Extension Information

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Ikke Work Graph - See Who You Work With

Ikke visualizes your Google Calendar as a nice-looking graph of people. After installing this Chrome extension, visit your Google Calendar and click on the "Ikke Graph". As for the name, Ikke is a colloquial Dutch word with a meaning close to "me, myself, and I", which makes it quite an appropriate name for this app.

Your privacy is key:

When you use Ikke, Google automatically collects certain information about the extension, including information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Beyond that, Ikke collects absolutely no information about the individual web pages or products that you view with Ikke, what websites or search terms referred you to, or any information about how you interact with Ikke. No information is directly sent by Ikke to anyone, and Ikke will never do so in the future, even when new upgrades are provided.