The most feature-rich TON extension – with support of multi-accounts, tokens, NFT, TON DNS, TON Sites, TON Proxy, and TON Magic.
Прекрасный кошелёк, что тут ещё напишешь? Особенно порадовали низкие комиссии на отправку токенов и поддержка доменных имён от TON NAMES. Спасибо за кошелёк!
I installed this to purchase and then bind an +888 anonymous Telegram number from Fragment to a Ledger hardware wallet. I got this error: "Connecting dapps is not yet supported by Ledger." In case it's not obvious, it's not Ledger Wallet themselves that need to support this feature. It's MyTonWallet and the TON app for Ledger, which are both the responsibility of the TON ecosystem. NFTs on Ethereum, Tezos, and Urbit IDs can be stored on hardware wallets in multiple ways. The expectation is basic and failing to meet it reflects an immature ecosystem. It took an hour of work to run into this brick wall. It's best to detect and avoid immature ecosystems and the time they waste. In addition, the extension requires permission to "modify data on all web sites." Tezos web wallets, for example Kukai, support dapps, NFTs, and hardware wallets without running as extensions. They run as ordinary web pages. Trezor Suite comes in an optional web version, too. These do not run as extensions at all so require no permissions, and do not break the browser sandbox. Because TON has not worked APIs around minimizing permissions like other coin ecosystems, I have to create a separate Chrome profile just to run this extension without worries it will steal all my currency from other Blockchains. That's something that absolutely does happen to people. I understand the security model of web3 dapps is not perfect, but I think the extension permission land-grab here is an unreasonable inconvenience.
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