TestCafe Script Writer

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TestCafe Script Writer

123 users


Tamil M

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DevTools extensions for exporting Recorder code as a Testcafe Script.

Instantly generate a TestCafe script for E2E test automation!

This extension adds the ability to export your Chrome Recording as a TestCafe script that can be added to your testing suite.

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How to use:
1. Open DevTools and go to Recorder tab
2. Click 'Create a new recording' and select CSS and Text as 'Selector types to record'.
3. Start recording and perform the desired actions for your testing scenario in the tab.
4. Once you are done, hit End recording. This will capture all the user interactions in the DevTools Recording tab. Here, you can also edit the user actions.
5. Click on the Export button on the menu bar and if the TestCafe Script Writer extension is install, the export options dropdown will include 'TestCafe Script' which will download a JavaScript file with the TestCafe testing script.

Note: You may need to edit the list of actions on the Recording for the test to run properly.