A simple interface for formatting Letterboxd reviews, comments, and more.
Minimal, light-weight, open-source extension for implementing the somewhat "hidden" formatting options in Letterboxd, similar to those in the official mobile app. It also implements the ability to preview your formatted post before submitting.
The formatting tags can be inserted using the on-screen buttons, or using the following keyboard shortcuts:
- Bold: (Cmd/Ctrl) + b
- Italic: (Cmd/Ctrl) + i
- Hyperlink: (Cmd/Ctrl) + Shift + l
- Quote: (Cmd/Ctrl) + Shift + k
Formatting tags will automatically wrap a selected area of text. Otherwise, the tags will be inserted at the caret position. Keyboard shortcuts can be disabled in the extension options.
Check out the project on GitHub:
Change Log:
- made format buttons disappear while preview active
- reduced size of icon
- various visual and bug fixes
- added option to disable keyboard shortcuts
- fixed modal opening animation
- sanitizing preview output for improved security
- various fixes and improvements
- made styling and layout more consistent across different text areas
- performance improvements
- added support for comments, list descriptions, and reviews accessed via the "Diary" page
- changed default keyboard shortcuts
- fixed the review modal becoming scrollable on Windows
- decreased file size
- support for the profile bio
- renamed to "Letterboxd Text Formatter"
- new icon
- various small fixes
- implemented support for the undo stack. All changes can now be undone using Cmd+z (mac) or Ctrl+z (PC)
- limited the URL patterns on which the extension script loads