2,000 users
Watch Peacock TV together with others! Extension to watch Peacock TV remotely.
It does the job of putting me in the same video on peacock as the other members, but one of it's flaws, crucial to the enjoyment of watching a video together, puts it at a 3-star. The sole purpose of a watch party is to watch the video in sync with the other members. The fact that I and the other members of my watch party follow the extension's instructions perfectly, yet are always watching the video out of sync shifts this extension's functionality from being a watch party extension, to a "sort of watching together but not really" extension. We've followed the troubleshoot instructions by manually setting the time on the video, yet the video continues to be out of sync by 30-60 seconds.This takes away from everyone in the watch party's ability to enjoy the video, and leaves us disappointed.
Yea this app is great for chatting while watching a movie which is what I wanted it works great and is easy to use. The easier the better is what I say! I still love this extension. I saw that it says "I loved it" nah man I still do. Also, there is another extension called "Peacock Watch Party" that extension is fake its actually a "paramount watch party" extension which is weird but I don't trust that extension. The right one you want to get is this one called "Peacock TV Party"
It doesn't allow me to screen share with my girlfriend in another state. The only reason I got peacock
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Sergey Ivanov