Hashtag Domain Viewer

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Hashtag Domain Viewer

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The JustTagIt Chrome Extension lets you see the meaning behind hashtags on all websites.

Welcome to the JustTagIt Chrome extension for influencers, content creators, brands, agencies, social media community builders and anyone who uses hashtags!

The JustTagIt Chrome extension gives hashtags a new purpose and lets you view and highlight hashtags on all social media post and any website that use #’s.

Discover a variety of features connected to hashtags like #eshop #webchat #google and tons more.

Register your hashtag as a hashtag domain - Upload your own favicon - Redirect to your website or social media page.

Scrolling over a hashtag activates it and provides other great features!

A favicon appears when you hover over the hashtag and you can see the owner of that hashtag.

By clicking on the favicon, you open a new window without leaving the website.

Unregistered hashtags default to the JustTagIt logo and are redirected to the hashtag ranking.
This lets you know that the hashtag is available and can be registered.

Justtagit.com and the web app enables anyone to register a hashtag, add a favicon and redirect link and increase your social reach.

Use the hashtag search engine to discover the latest trending hashtags, events, how they rank and where they come from.

By opting in, you can earn JustTagIt Metric Tokens for scrolling for specific hashtags as part of JustTagIt’s crowd-sourced data mining program.

Earned Metric Tokens can be exchanged for JustTagIt services & upgrades!

Your data and personal information is stored on your device and has security like a bitcoin wallet.

Check out the videos on JustTagIt.com on how to earn Metric Tokens by tracking hashtags.

Please let us know what you <3 and
We value your feedback and look forward to seeing your reviews about our Chrome extension.
By using this add-on, you agree to the JustTagIt Terms & Conditions available at https://justtagit.com/page/tos

This extension uses Google Analytics to collect extension usage statistics to help improve user experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout or you can set up a filter in Adblock Plus or similar ad blocker tools like AdBlock, uBlock or Adblock Pro.


Nicholas Bach
Nicholas Bach

#CNXT #THeXDesK #THeNeTWoRX #PAiDEQuiTy #PAiDMeDiA #JustTagit #JustDoit #HashTagDomains #HDNs #x @x $x #Just#it #Just@it #just$it

Gemma Parkview
Gemma Parkview

This application is definitely the future! There are so many amenities that are available, I pushed myself outside of the comfort zone took a chance and so happy that I did. Thank you for creating it!

Shahed Salehi
Shahed Salehi

Own your #Hashtag before it is too late

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