Filters profanity and other user-defined words on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, and more using closed captions.
Can you add Discord as well? Also, what do we need to do to get it to work? It is installed and enabled but still not filtering out. Testing on Youtube for now... Thanks.
Thank +++++++ god for this extension. My mother can't stand cussing so that limits viewing to basically PG rated shows. With this now we can watch many more things. It's not 100% perfect because people invent weird cuss words but it's 99.99% effective. Other instances are when there's overlapping speech it doesn't always correctly identify it or when the subtitles are just simply incorrect. It does cut out more than JUST the cuss word, but it's not three sentences. It's several seconds. Better than not watching at all, cheers!
it workes well, however it cuts out so much more than just the bad word. is someone just quickly says something, it cuts out like 3 more sentences after that. makes it hard to watch stuff. if it just cut out the bad word, or even 2 seconds between the bad word and the goes back to audio, it would be better. other than that though, it works well.
Zero Gravity Programming