Rafflesia for Overleaf

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Rafflesia for Overleaf

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Handy tools for Overleaf

This adds a bottom panel to Overleaf documents which provides an ever-growing list of tools in order to maximize your productivity while writing papers.

When this is installed, a small toolbar will appear at the bottom of an Overleaf document. When you open the toolbar, you'll find several tools that can run locally and interact with your document.

Some tools include:
- Citations: You are able to add a link and automatically generate the appropriate BibTeX content and insert it into your document
- Comments: You can quickly find TODOs and FIXMEs scattered throughout the document
- Math Catalog: Helpful reference material for using various math formulas and processes in your document
- Timer: Set and manage timers to help you focus in brief sprints
- Word Cloud: See a count of characters, words, paragraphs and most frequent words

Tools can be updated or added over the course of the product lifecycle. I welcome ideas and feedback on what you want to see next to boost your productivity.