With Intention

#4.43 / 7 rate

With Intention

209 users


Alex Widua

Extension Information

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1 star

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Browse distracting websites with intention.

«With Intention» is a Chrome extension that helps you browse the web more intentionally.

By simply stating your intention of selected websites every time you visit them, mindless browsing of distracting websites can be reduced and turned into a more mindful experience.

📚 Background

To help you avoid distracting websites, some extensions blacklist entire websites. But, this doesn't work if you need to look something up now and then. For this reason I am a big fan of DK's 'Intention' extension [1], which instead of blacklisting websites, 'unlocks' them for a certain period of time.

In my daily work though, this created a lot of friction because estimating and unlocking time periods distracted me from the actual work.
«With Intention» is essentially a reduction of DK's extension: by simply and only writing down the intention when visiting certain websites, intentional working is reinforced and accidental mindless browsing is reduced.

The extension is open source and hosted on GitHub [2].

🔗 Links
[1] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/intention-stop-mindless-b/dladanhaondcgpahgiflodhckhoeohoe
[2] https://github.com/alexwidua/with-intention


Beniamin Raszek
Beniamin Raszek

I love the idea but the window is not exclusive, so typingn you can trigger something on a page

Saad abl
Saad abl

its amazing, but it doesn't work in some sites , otherwise it would have been a 5 stars

Ethan Barlow
Ethan Barlow

Love this extension, its perfect having a constant reminder at the top of the screen for why I went on the site in the first place. Only gripe with the extension so far, is when I use it for 'youtube'. While I am typing in the intentions box, my keys are performing actions in the background. Plays and pauses the videos, subtitles get turned on and off, audio mutes, and sometimes it takes me back to the homepage. So it'd be great if we could stop the keypresses from doing anything in the background when using the input box.

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