Goodreads Right Click

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Goodreads Right Click

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Right click selected text to search for books on Goodreads.

Search for books on Goodreads with a right click!

You can now toggle whether your search opens Now or Later via a dropdown on the extension options page. Just click the Extensions icon in the top right of your browser (it looks like a puzzle piece), the click the three dots next to Goodreads Right Click and select Options.

Select the text that you'd like to search (book title, author, ISBN), right click, and choose"Search Goodreads." Your results will show up in a new tab, and you can add the book to one of your lists, create a new review, or get more information about the book.



If you would like to say thanks and support continued development of this and other extensions, consider buying me a coffee:


If you have any suggestions or bugs that you find, let me know! I'll be looking into adding features in the future, but for now enjoy this fast way to get right to the book you want on Goodreads!


Version 1.1.0 - Searching now or later is now controlled via an extension option (3.7.2023)

Version 1.0.2 - Permissions update (7.9.2021)

Version 1.0.1 - Goodreads Now and Goodreads later searches added (1.17.2013)

Version 0.0.3 - Open Goodreads searches in the next Chrome tab.


Elizabeth Wade
Elizabeth Wade

Seems like a good app. I like how I can keep a list of books I've read and plan on reading. Now if only I can get to all of the books before I die - the list grows ALL THE TIME lol.

Molly Whuppie
Molly Whuppie

Great extension. Using "Search Goodreads now" will perform a search and open the search results in a new tab in the foreground. Using "Search Goodreads later" will perform the same search, but in a background tab for you to look at later.

Jim Stewart
Jim Stewart

would be much better if the links were 'flattened'. dont know why they are nested as a submenu, if you are opening a lot of links, this really slows down the process. It does what it says it well but is frustrating because of this aspect of its implementation.

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