Tap into the superpower of remembering anything forever by using this incredibly efficient tool for learning.
Love it and their website and app. Amazing!
Boilerplate privacy policy and terms of use (literally, the page it links to is used without modification in dozens of apps) that includes a lot of language that says 'my data' is 'your data' whenever you want it to be... "Your Personal Information may be transferred to, and used by, entities located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. Such export is a requirement of providing your information to The Company, and you hereby authorize and consent to such export. "
I've resolved the issue, the problem was with wrong language on keyboard when entering password. Since there was no error/wrong password message, I blamed everything on the service not on myself, for which I am sorry. Other than that stellar app!
Eloquent Works
Dharam Kapila
Boss as a Service
Saraf Consulting