Voicemod Recorder

#2.74 / 27 rate

Voicemod Recorder

4,000 users




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Record, trim, and download audio from your web browser to add sound clips on Discord, Tuna, Voicemod, and other platforms.

Record, trim, and download audio from your web browser with our Chrome extension. Add your sound clips to Tuna–our community-generated sound library–and create your own soundboards on Voicemod’s desktop app. Share your sound memes with friends on Discord or any other communication platform!

Voicemod’s Sound and Audio Recorder:
Record audio from your web browser.
Trim the audio to get the clip you want.
Download your sound clip or upload it directly to Tuna.
Create your own soundboards in Voicemod.
Send the sound clip to your group chats to get a good laugh!

Add Sound Clips to Tuna
Tuna is Voicemod’s ever-growing sound library created by our community. Browse thousands of sound clips in different categories, like movies, games, anime, memes, and more. Upload your sound clips to Tuna by recording audio from your web browser with this Chrome extension.

Create Soundboards in Voicemod
Voicemod is a real-time AI voice changer and soundboard that can be used with Discord, online games, or any desktop communications platform. Record audio with our Chrome extension, add it to your soundboards in Voicemod, and trigger the perfect sound effect in all your group chats!