LinkedIn Job Tracker

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LinkedIn Job Tracker

42 users


Caesar Goz

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The LinkedIn Job Tracker is a handy extension that helps you keep track of your job applications on LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn Job Tracker is a handy extension that helps you keep track of your job applications on LinkedIn. It adds a visual badge to each job post, indicating whether you have seen or applied to the job.


Track Application Status: Easily track the status of your job applications on LinkedIn. The extension adds badges to job posts, indicating whether you have seen or applied to each job.

Real-time Updates: The extension automatically updates the badge status as you interact with job posts. When you click on a job post, it marks it as "Seen". When you click the "Apply" button, it changes the status to "Applied".

Intuitive Interface: The extension seamlessly integrates with LinkedIn, providing a user-friendly interface for tracking your job applications. No complicated setup or manual data entry required.