Get YouTube Transcript by CakeAI - Free

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Get YouTube Transcript by CakeAI - Free

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Get transcripts, captions and subtitles for YouTube videos and download them as CSV, SRT or text file. Unlimited and free of charge.

Download transcripts, captions and subtitles for YouTube videos and download them as a CSV, SRT or text file.

Do you ever want to just get the text transcript of the video rather than watch the whole video. With this extension you can download the complete transcript of any YouTube video in text, CSV or SRT formats. See image for samples of transcripts in different file formats.

✔️Fast, lightweight and private by default
✔️Download subtitles, captions and transcripts from YouTube

👨🏻‍💻️Use cases

- Download a video's transcript and quickly search through transcript text to see if it contains the information you are looking for. Use CSV format to know exactly which part of the video you want to watch.
- Download your own video's transcript and then use it as a starting point to make your video transcripts even better.
- It will help you save time and improve comprehension. You can also use these transcripts to learn new languages
- You can use the transcripts for educational or business purposes as well


It's totally free for 1 video a day! You can donate to us at For unlimited use, you can subscribe using

❓How to use

1. Install the extension from Chrome Web Store.
2. Simply open a YouTube video and you will see the download transcript icon close to the video publish date.
3. Transcript will be downloaded


- It doesn't work for livestream videos, yet.

If you have any issues or have feedback for us, feel free to reach out to us on twitter at