WeVote Endorsement Chrome Extension

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WeVote Endorsement Chrome Extension

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Highlights existing, and new opportunities, for endorsements on voter guide pages.

This is initially for the WeVote Political Data Managers Team, a group of volunteers who gather political data. We use this extension to compare endorsement pages (owned by advocacy organizations or public figures) with endorsements already captured in the WeVote database. These endorsements are displayed at the free website https://WeVote.US

WeVote is made of two fully nonpartisan 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations based in Oakland, California. Our software is open source, and our work is driven by over 100 volunteers who have contributed so far. Inspired by groups like Code for America and the Mozilla Foundation, we use technology to make democracy stronger by increasing voter turnout. Our incredible teams of volunteers help us to compile and verify endorsement data from every election.

We are purposefully nonpartisan because we know that voters and their networks are complex. Voting decisions are rarely single issue, and we make better decisions when lots of information is present.