Auto Ad Skipper For YouTube (AASFY)

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Auto Ad Skipper For YouTube (AASFY)

25 users


Rinat Malik

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Automatically skips YouTube ads for a seamless viewing experience. Not an Ad Blocker. No setup/registration/login required.

This is a very light and simple chrome extension which will automatically press the skip button on YouTube videos. This is not an Ad Blocker so it won't be blocked by YouTube. It doesn't block ads but simply presses the Skip button automatically when possible.

The extension is made particularly for differently abled people who sometimes have difficulty pressing the skip button and to help disabled people skip ads on YouTube if they wish to.

The extension works...
- in full screen
- for multiple consecutive ads
- for ads in the middle of long videos
- when videos are playing as part of a playlist
- when videos are playing in "picture-in-picture" mode
- within less than a second, won't wait for 5 seconds

- it doesn't track you
- it doesn't collect any of your data
- the code is open source and available to download in GitHub
- any developer collabroation welcome in GitHub.

*V1.0.0 doesn't do anything on unskippable ads.*
*Please refresh the page if you have activated/deactivated it*

Features in pipeline for future release -
- mute the audio of the chrome tab for unskippable ads, and bring back to original audio levels after the ad finished playing.
- fast forward through the unskippable ads.
- reduce brightness to lowest when unskippable ads are playing, and bring back to original brightness levels after the ad finished playing.

Please contact me and let me know how you would like this to be further improved/what other features would you like this to have.

This is an open source project - Developers are welcome to collaborate and contribute in GitHub.

If you want to buy me coffee, you can't - I am too lazy to set it up.