Time Calculator

#3.45 / 11 rate

Time Calculator

70,000 users


Chris Dermody

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Quickly and easily add up hours and minutes.

This extension is a simple solution to adding up the hours and minutes you've worked in any given time period. It is ideal for shift workers who need to quickly and simply add up the hours and minutes they've worked so far in any given day or week.

update 3.1 Now you can have this chrome extension customised to your company colours and logo.
update 3 added scrolling feature for calculating both shifts and adding hours and minutes. Also added infinite number of extra fields.
update 2.1.4 update to event tracking in Google Analytics
update 2.1.3 animation added, extra instruction text
update 2.1.2 adds universal analytics tracking code
update 2.1.1 adds analytics tracking code
update 2.1 adds "add fields" button for multiple shifts/calculations